Oct 28, 2021
We absolutely want to scale and grow our business, but do you know exactly when to automate and when to delegate? Does it make a difference which one you use and when? Our featured guest, Patty Rogers, is helping small business owners create more effective and consistent sales through automation and is giving us the roadmap that she uses herself!
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Hey mama, if you want to learn how you can get monthly paychecks by literally elevating your family's health and helping others do the same, then join Desiree & Iva on this journey! Partnering with Young Living has literally brought them abundance in so many ways!
Just visit momergyessentials.com/workwithus
Patty Rogers
Patty ditched the monotony of corporate America to create her definition of personal freedom. Her goal is to help small business owners, such as yourself, create more effective and consistent sales through marketing and automation.
Website https://b2bdigitalassistance.com/
FB https://www.facebook.com/patty.m.rogers.7
LinkedIn https://www.linkedin.com/in/pattymrogers/ ,
Automate to Scale mini-video Series