Jan 27, 2022
They say ‘Hindsight is 20/20’ but don’t you also need to be crystal clear about who and how you serve others moving forward? Our featured guest expert, Liora Mann, helps us explore the ways we can quickly remove the distractions, doubts and limiting beliefs that blurry our vision and prevent us from showing up authentically in our business. Her vast experience in Marketing, Coaching and other powerful modalities, brings a total 360 approach that serves mompreneurs in every area of life and while making it fun!
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Hi mama! Wondering if it’s time to get some next-level coaching with your life or business? We have done our homework and cannot recommend Desiree Stapleton enough! She’s here to work out your game plan on how to achieve your goals providing actionable steps and acting as an accountability partner. Desiree is a Certified: Mindfulness, Happiness, Life Purpose, Goal Success, and ‘standard’ Life Coach and has been featured in Yahoo Finance, Business Insider, NBC, FOX & CBS News.
Become part of Desiree’ Stapleton “How To” Academy! and enrol in one of her 6 powerful Courses to start seeing immediate results in your life!
Liora Mann
Liora is an experienced marketing strategist, Rapid Transformation Therapy Practitioner, Integrative Nutrition Health Coach, Reiki Practitioner, and life learner. She has worked behind the scenes for companies including EatingWell magazine, The Institute for Integrative Nutrition, Gabrielle Bernstein, and numerous other health practitioners and coaches, and now incorporates all of the knowledge, experience, and mentorship into her own coaching packages. She is honoured to now work with 1:1 clients all over the world to overcome limiting beliefs and step into their future selves, in their business and personal lives."
Website https://www.lioramann.com/
IG @liora_m